
Winter Season: A Gateway to Good Health

As we have stepped into the wintery flakes, we hardly imagine that this low temperature
season can bring any health benefits in our routine but if we talk about Ayurveda, studies
show that winter season is the time where our immune system gets boost up.
Following some precautions with little efforts can add up to healthy days whole winters:

Healthy Balanced Diet: Eating well always gives good number of returns. Balanced diet
having almonds, protein, green vegetables and fruits are some essential food to add to your
daily routine to keep yourself healthy.

Exercise: Most of the people skip exercising due to cold weather. However, this is one of the
important factors to keep yourself warm and healthy. Daily routine of exercising can also
boost your immune system & help preventing seasonal flu and diseases.

Hydration: It is observed that the quantity of water intake gets decreased during winter
season however it is suggested that one should keep themselves hydrated with required
amount of water to help remove toxins from the body thus following a healthy routine.

Vitamin D: The joy in winters is being under the sunlight during day time and even in
studies, it is proven to be an effective means of being healthy.

Adding Tusli Herb: Tulsi herb is very effective to keep common winter diseases at bay. One
can consume it in the form of tea. Our Tulsi Green Tea is made up from the extraction of raw
form of tulsi leaves enhancing its taste and benefits for the consumer.

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